- 5 Hour Energy
- 7th Generation
- A & D
- A La Maison
- A.L.R.
- Abbott Labs
- Absolute Nutrition
- Accufitness
- Advil
- AgeLess Foundation
- Air Borne
- AkPharma
- Alaffia
- Alani
- Alba Botanica
- Alcon Labs
- Alka Seltzer
- AlkaLife
- Alkanatur
- All Good
- All Terrain
- All-One
- Almased
- Aloha Bay
- AlphaLion
- Alta-Health
- Alvita
- Always
- Amazing Grass
- Amazing Herbs
- Amazon Therapeutic
- American BioScience
- American Biotech
- American Health
- Amope
- AnaBar
- Ancient Nutrition
- Ancient Secret
- Andalou
- Anti Monkey-Butt
- Anu Med
- AquaNet
- Aquaphor
- Arizona Natural
- Ark Natural
- Arm & Hammer
- AsperCreme
- Atkins Products
- Attitude
- AuraCacia
- Auromere
- Aurora NutraSciences
- Avalon Organics
- Aveeno
- B.C.
- B.P.I.
- B.S.N.
- BABO Botanicals
- Bach
- Balanceuticals
- BananaBoat
- BandAid
- Bare Organic
- BarNana
- BarneyButter
- Baudelaire
- Baush & Lomb
- Beano
- Beauty without Cruelty
- Beekeeper Naturals
- Bell Plantation
- Benadryl
- BeneFiber
- BenGay
- Betancourt
- Better Health Labs
- Better Life
- Betty Lou's
- BHU Foods
- Bio Bag
- Bio-Chem
- BioGaia
- BioMed Health
- Biomic Science
- BioMinerals
- Bionorica
- BioNutrition
- Biotech
- Biotene
- Black Market Labs
- Blistex
- Bluebonnet
- Body Gold
- BodyFortress
- Boericke & Tafel
- Boiron
- Bonk Breaker
- Boost Oxygen
- Boudreaux
- BuckedUp
- BullDog
- Caldesene
- California Naturals
- Canus
- CareFree
- Carter Reed
- CC Pollen
- Celestial Seasonings
- Cellucor
- Celsius
- Cepacol
- Cera-Ve
- Cetaphil
- ChapStick
- Child Life
- ChloraSeptic
- Choice Organic
- Christopher's
- Chuck-It
- Citrus Magic
- Clairon Brands
- Clear Products
- Clearblue
- ClearEyes
- Clearly Natural
- Clif Bar
- Coconut Secret
- Codeage
- Coleman
- CompoundW
- Controlled Labs
- CopperTone
- Cortizone
- Country Comfort
- Country Farms
- Crest
- Crown Labs
- Crystal
- CTD Labs
- Cura Life
- Cyto-Sport
- D.S.E. Health Care
- DandyBlend
- Delsym
- Den Tek
- Deodorant Stones
- derma E
- Dermarest
- DermoPlast
- Desert Essence
- Designer Proteins
- Deva
- Diamond Herpanacine
- Doctor Reddys
- Doctor Tungs
- Doctors Best, Inc.
- Domeboro
- Dr Singha
- DR Willard Water
- DR. Woods
- Dramamine
- DreamTan
- Driven Sports
| - Duke Cannon
- Durex
- Dymatize
- Earth Rise
- Earth Science
- Earth Therapeutic
- Eclectic Institute
- Eco Vessel
- EcoDent
- EcoTrin
- Edge
- EfferDent
- EfferGrip
- Emerita
- Emuaid
- Ensure
- Epic Bars
- Epic Dental
- Eroxon
- Essiac
- EU Natural
- Eucerin
- EuroPharma
- Everyone for Everybody
- Evogen
- Fake Bake
- Feosol
- Finaflex
- Fit Crunch Bars
- FixoDent
- Fleet
- Flora
- Florastor
- Flower Essence
- Focus Consumer Healthcare
- Four Sigma Food
- Fungies
- Futurebiotics
- G.A.T.
- Garden-Greens
- Gaspari
- Gatorade
- Genceutic Naturals
- Genial Day
- Giovanni
- GlyOxide
- Gold Bond
- Goli Nutrition
- GoMacro
- Good Clean Love
- Good Earth Tea Co.
- Goody's
- Got2Be
- Green Foods
- Green Sprouts
- Greens +
- Growing Naturals
- Gu Sports
- Halo Headbands
- Hawaiian Tropics
- Health Force
- Health Smart Foods
- Health-Plus
- Healthy and Fit
- Healthy Origins
- Herban Cowboy
- HerbaTint
- Herbion USA
- Herbs for Kids
- Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals
- Historical Remedies
- Hobe Labs
- Hollywood Diet
- Homcait
- Home Health
- Homeo Pet
- Honee's
- Honey Gardens
- Honey Stinger
- Honeybee Garden
- HU Mineral
- Humphrey's Pharmacal
- Hyalogic
- Hyland's
- Ice Chips
- Icy-Hot
- iForce
- Imperial Elixir
- Implus
- Iovate
- Isatori
- Jakeman's
- Jan-Tana
- Jarrow
- Jason
- Jay Robb's
- Jet Zone
- Johnson & Johnson
- Kerasal
- Kind LLC
- Kirk's Naturals
- Kiss My Face
- Kong Co.
- Kroeger Herbs
- KY
- Kyolic
- Labrada Nutrition
- Lafe's
- Laird Superfoods
- Lakanto
- Lake Consumer Products
- Lamisil
- Lane Labs
- LaTourangelle
- Lenny & Larry's
- Life Flo
- Lifes2Good
- Lifetime
- Lifetime Products
- Lily Of The Desert
- LiquidHealth
- Little Remedies
- LiverRite
- Lotus
- Ludens
- Lumina
- Lunovus
- M.H.P.
- M.R.I.
- M.R.M.
- MacroLife Naturals
- Manitoba Harvest
- Master Supplements
- Mate Factor
- Maui Babe
- Maxim
- McKesson
- MD Science
- Mederma
- Medi Natura
- Metabolic Nutrition
- Metamucil
- MetRx
- Mill Creek
- Millennium Tanning
- Mineral Fusion
- Mito-Q
- Molecular Nutrition
- Molly's Suds
- Mommy's Bliss
- Monistat
- Monoi Tiare
- Moom
- Mountain Ocean
- Mrs Meyers
- Mucinex
- Murine
- Muscle Fortress
- Muscle Marketing USA
| - MuscleMeds
- MuscleTech
- Mushroom Wisdom
- Mylan Consumer Health Care
- N.V.E.
- NatraBio
- NatraCare
- Natrol
- Natural Care
- Natural Dentist
- Natural Sources
- Natural Vitality
- Natural-Balance
- Naturally Vitamins
- Nature Smart
- Nature's Baby
- Nature's Bakery
- Nature's Stance
- Naturelo
- NatureMade
- Natures Answer
- Natures Best
- Natures Life
- Natures Plus
- Natures Secret
- Naturtint
- Navitas
- Nellie's Clean Inc.
- NeoCell
- Neutrogena
- New Chapter Organics
- New Nordic USA
- NewSkin
- Nexium
- No Doz
- Nordic Naturals
- North American Herb and Spice
- Novex-Biotech
- Nu Rinse
- Nubian Heritage
- Nugo Nutrition
- NuMark
- Numi Teas
- Nutiva
- Nutraceutics
- Nutrex
- Nutrex-Hawaii
- Nutrition 53
- Nutrition-Now
- NylaBone
- Obvi
- Ocean Blue
- Odor Eaters
- Odor Klenz
- Olay
- Olbas
- Olivella
- Ollois Homeopathics
- Olympian Labs
- OM Mushroom
- One with Nature
- Optimum
- Orgain
- Organic Excellence
- Organic Fiji
- Organic Food Bars
- Organic India
- Osteo Biflex
- Outward Hound
- Oxy Life
- OxyFresh
- Pacific Health Labs
- Paradise Herbs
- PediaLax
- Performance Brands
- PerforMax
- Pet Naturals
- PhaZyme
- Pines
- Playtex
- Polident
- PoliGrip
- Positive Power Nutrition
- Potable Aqua
- Power Organics
- PowerCrunch
- Pranarom
- Premier
- Preparation H
- Preserve
- Prilosec OTC
- PrimaFORCE
- Primal Kitchen
- Primal Spirit Foods
- Prince of Peace
- Pro Bar
- Pro Source
- Pro-Max Bars
- ProLab
- ProNatura
- ProTec Athletics
- Protos Foods
- Pure Fit
- Pure Indian Foods
- Pure Solutions
- Purell
- Puremedy
- Purus Labs
- Qualia
- Quantum
- Quest
- Radius Corp
- Rainbow Light
- Rainbow Research
- Raw Indulgence
- RawXbum
- Real Health
- RedCon-1
- Redmond
- Reviva
- Ricola
- RidgeCrest Herbals
- Rise Bars
- Rule-1
- RX Bars
- RynoPower
- S.A.N.
- Sage Spirit
- Salonpas
- Saltstick
- Sanhelios
- Scandinavian Formulas
- Schick
- Schiek Sports
- Schiff
- Schmidts Deodorant
- Scivation
- Sea el
- SeaBand
- SeabuckWonders
- Selsun Blue
- Sensodyne
- Shameless Pet
- Shea Mositure
- Shikai
- Sibu
- Similasan
- Simlac
- Sinol
- Six Star
- Skintimate
- Skratch Labs
- SmartyPants
- SoapBox
- SoF
- Softsheen-Carson
- Solgar
- Sonne's Organic Foods
- Sovereign Silver
- Species
- Spectrum
- Spina Organics
- Sports Research
- Spry
- Starwest Botanicals
| - Stash Tea
- StayFree
- Stye
- Sucrets
- Summer's Eve
- Sun Butter
- Sun-In
- SunFood
- Superior Source
- Surya Brazil
- Sweetleaf
- Swiss Kriss
- Syntrax Nutrition
- Tahiti Traders
- Tampax
- Tea Tree Therapy
- Teeccino Caffe
- Tera's Whey
- Terra Origins
- That's It
- Thayer's
- The Blue Buffalo
- The Comfy-Cone
- The Doctor
- The Grandpa Soap Company
- Thera Neem Organix
- Thera Tears
- TheraBreath
- TheraFlu
- ThermaCare
- Think!
- Thompson's
- TigerBalm
- Tints of Nature
- Tom's of Maine
- Topical Biomedics
- Trace
- Traditional Medicinals
- Triple Leaf Tea
- Tropical Oasis
- Tru Skin
- TruEarth
- Tuffy
- Tums
- Twin Labs
- Twinings of London
- Ultimate
- UltraSwim
- Uncle Lee's Teas
- Universal
- Utrition
- Vagisil
- Vaseline
- Veet
- Veg Life
- Vega
- Veggie Wash
- VH Essentials
- Vibrant Health
- Vick's
- Visine
- VitaFusion
- Vital Earth
- Vital Proteins
- Vitalize Labs
- Vitamin Friends
- Vitanica
- Vitol
- Vitron-C
- Vlanc Puir
- Walden's Farm
- Warren Labs
- Wedderspoon's
- Weleda
- Wiley's Finest
- Windy City Organics LLC
- World Organics
- World Wide Sports
- Wyndmere Naturals
- Xlear
- Yeouth
- Yogi Teas
- You Theory
- Zahler
- Zand Nutrition
- Zicam
- Zing Bars
- Zint Nutrition
- Zoller Labs
- Zymox